Be careful everyone! I have gone to a house twice with two different realitors. First time the pad lock was locked. Then the second time she gave the guy the wrong number to the lock box! He called no answer. If they dont want to sell a home or sell it then IT SHOULDN'T BE LISTED FOR SALE! Its not right to have peoples time and gas wasted. I will be reporting this issue soon so no one else will have to go through what my family and I have been through with this "flipper" not seller.
Be careful everyone! I have gone to a house twice with two different realitors. First time the pad lock was locked. Then the second time she gave the guy the wrong number to the lock box! He called no answer. If they dont want to sell a home or sell it then IT SHOULDN'T BE LISTED FOR SALE! Its not right to have peoples time and gas wasted. I will be reporting this issue soon so no one else will have to go through what my family and I have been through with this "flipper" not seller.