Are you serious I was detained by local police at this particular Walmart for looking into my own automobile this town is unbelievable I would suggest that you stay as far away from this Walmart as you possibly could further more Barney Fife and Company or what a way way way way understaffed under budgeted and I don't even think they have a jail cell they shouldn't we had a problem with how they were going to arrest me since all five of them came in the same police cruiser kind of weird kind of like Twilight Zone stuff I would suggest yeah you stay as far away from this place as you possibly could lest you be incarcerated for the rest of your life for shining a flashlight in your own motor vehicle and then to have that very very flashlight confiscated because it is illegal to have a flashlight very very strange way to go Sheriff whatever your name is who by the way I later find out isn't even the sheriff but just a local duty officer who plays Sheriff sometimes cuz he ain't got nothing better to do at night but if you are going to be there and do 10 find yourself in trouble fear not if the Crab Shack is open the prison can't possibly be
Are you serious I was detained by local police at this particular Walmart for looking into my own automobile this town is unbelievable I would suggest that you stay as far away from this Walmart as you possibly could further more Barney Fife and Company or what a way way way way understaffed under budgeted and I don't even think they have a jail cell they shouldn't we had a problem with how they were going to arrest me since all five of them came in the same police cruiser kind of weird kind of like Twilight Zone stuff I would suggest yeah you stay as far away from this place as you possibly could lest you be incarcerated for the rest of your life for shining a flashlight in your own motor vehicle and then to have that very very flashlight confiscated because it is illegal to have a flashlight very very strange way to go Sheriff whatever your name is who by the way I later find out isn't even the sheriff but just a local duty officer who plays Sheriff sometimes cuz he ain't got nothing better to do at night but if you are going to be there and do 10 find yourself in trouble fear not if the Crab Shack is open the prison can't possibly be