Found Valerie after reading numerous internet reviews. Just recently moved to the area and desperately needed a new hairstylist! I filled out the email appointment form and received a prompt response from Valerie for a beach wave perm appointment. Now perms these days are not as popular as straightening treatments so I was nervous that I would be able to find someone experienced who could do it well. And wow! First time in my life I got a perm WITHOUT frizz afterwards, just perfectly wavy hair that looks natural! It really helped that Valerie spent time trimming the split ends I did have prior to perming my hair! All in all a really nice, relaxing experience.
Found Valerie after reading numerous internet reviews. Just recently moved to the area and desperately needed a new hairstylist! I filled out the email appointment form and received a prompt response from Valerie for a beach wave perm appointment. Now perms these days are not as popular as straightening treatments so I was nervous that I would be able to find someone experienced who could do it well. And wow! First time in my life I got a perm WITHOUT frizz afterwards, just perfectly wavy hair that looks natural! It really helped that Valerie spent time trimming the split ends I did have prior to perming my hair! All in all a really nice, relaxing experience.